Almost every year I add another lavender plant to my gardens. They are planted everywhere! I simply can’t resist this herb with all its culinary, medicinal, and crafty applications.…
Last summer I made Wild Rose Petal Jelly for the first time and loved the gorgeous colour and floral flavour. When recently making another batch, I started thinking about…
When plump strawberries appear, it means summer is here and jam-making is underway! There is no doubt strawberry jam is a favorite and there are countless recipes for “my…
If you have been reading my column for long, you already know rhubarb is probably my favorite spring gift from the garden. It is packed with calcium and Vitamin…
I am a learn-as-you-go kind of gardener, but I love producing and preserving as much food as I can during the season. Each year I try something new. This…
May 12th will mark Mother’s Day and spring is in the air. Let’s celebrate with the first gift of spring – wild leeks and a perfect Mother’s Day breakfast.…
Role of Sugar When we preserve foods, the two main goals are safety and quality. Sugar does not play a key role in food safety, but it does play…
Are beginning to plan for the canning season? Part of preparing for the season is reviewing your canning equipment. In this article I am going to focus on what’s…
Fermentation is one of the main forms of food preservation and one of the oldest. Crème Fraiche is an example of a simple dairy ferment. It is also one…
It’s been a strange non-winter to be sure. I noticed my daffodils and hyacinths up by at least two inches! The only thing I can say is that this…